5 Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing After 25: A Wake-Up Call for Adulthood

3 min readSep 10, 2023

Age is more than just a number. It represents milestones, life experiences, and transitions. While turning 25 doesn’t mean you need to have everything figured out, it does signify a step into full-fledged adulthood. Here are 5 things you shouldn’t be doing after 25 and why:

1. Living Without a Budget

While it’s fine to live a little spontaneously in your early twenties, when you hit 25, it’s time to get serious about your finances. This doesn’t mean you need to have a six-figure salary or a house, but you should be aware of where your money is going. Living without a budget can lead to unnecessary stress and financial woes. A simple spreadsheet in Excel or a budgeting app can be a game-changer.

Remember if you live without a budget, you will be unsuccessful in every part of living. Budgeting is as important as spending!

2. Seeking Validation for Every Decision

In your teens and early twenties, it’s natural to seek advice and validation from peers and mentors. But by 25, while it’s still okay to ask for advice, you should be building the confidence to trust your judgment and make decisions that align with your values. Remember, it’s your life, and you’re the best judge of what’s…




A human being with an interest in living and exploring life with a bit of psychology, movies and books